Please have a look at some of the Vehicle Mounted Terminals we offer and Contact Us so we can help you find the right hardware for your business
The Honeywell Thor Vehicle Mounted Terminal Line
Honeywell’s line of Thor Vehicle Mounted Terminals contains the solution you need for your forklift equipped warehouse operation. Each of these units has a hot-swappable front plate for easy replacement if you damage one of your screens or keypads. The line also offers a hot swappable dock design that allows you to instantly swap to a functioning Vehicle Mounted Terminal if one of your terminals goes down. This means less down time for your operation and a huge benefit to your bottom line.
Thor VM1
Small, Powerful, CS Ready

- Built in Keyboard
- Smaller Screen
- Available in a Cold Storage Configuration
- Win CE 6.0 or WES 2009
Thor VM2
Midsize Touchscreen VMU

- Larger Screen
- Powerful Hardware
- Touchscreen Technology
- Windows 7, WES7, WES2009, or WinCE 6.0
Thor VM3
Honeywell's Flagship VMU

- Largest Touchscreen
- Most Powerful Hardware
- Available in a Cold Storage Configuration
- WEC7, WES7, Windows 7, Windows 10
Contact Us to find out the best option for you!